This story took place few months ago.
Objective: Install IBM Notes on Linux, dual boot with Windows 10 (Secure Boot) IBM Notes is closed source software, so you can't compile it yourself. Only possibility is to download packages from IBM site. Unfortunately those packages were made only for 32bit version and there are some problematic dependencies. Especially gnome-desktop, which in some newer distros was removed or replaced by newer version that create conflict.
Distribution test sequence: Centos 6, Centos 7, ArchLinux x86, ArchLinux x64, Ubuntu 14.04, BridgeLinux (modified Arch), Fedora 23, Fedora 22. It took me plenty of time to test all options and find on which distros I am able to reach my goal.
For testing I used Virtualbox, VMware player and ThinkPad notebook. Notebook was especially useful to verify if Secure Boot is working properly. Meanwhile I found nice web site, that is very useful in cases like this one. There are VMware, Virtualbox images of many systems. You can download those images without any additional costs and do some testing.
Centos 6:
IBM Notes working out of the box but Secure Boot is not working, so it was not for me.
Centos 7:
Secure Boot is working out of the box, but IBM notes has unsolvable package conflict. I tried adding repos from Centos 6, but it didn't solve the problem. I gave up just after that. Maybe additional time could give some solution.
Arch Linux x86:
It was working almost out of the box. There are few blogs that describe step by step how to install IBM Notes in ArchLinux x86 for example: I used script that you can find here: In my opinion this is the easiest and quickest way to install.
After installation I realised that it is working. Unfortunately Secure Boot is not working in Arch X86, so I needed to continue my tests.
Arch Linux x64:
I was not able to install it normally, because of the package conflicts. I installed it in 32 bit chroot using method from WIKI:
I also tried to install chroot using package from AUR: BTW this chroot is prepared almost like in mentioned earlier link, but there are few differences. Finally I was able to install and fix dependency conflicts Notes in 32bit chroot, but it was not working for me :/.
Ubuntu 14.04:
I am not really sure. I believe that IBM Notes was working somehow, but I realized that Ubuntu is so ugly and not functional for me, so I removed it quickly.
Fedora 23 x64:
IBM Notes had package conflict almost the same like in Centos 7. Probably it could be solved but I didn't have time for additional tests.
Fedora 22 x64:
Everything was working out of the box. I am using now Fedora 22 x64.
Solution: I found that Fedora 22 x64 is optimal system to reach my goal.