I made short script for easier upgrade of Ghost (self hosted version). At the moment Ghost is still in development before version 1.0 so there is no official script for upgrade. I took steps from Ghost blog wiki http://support.ghost.org/how-to-upgrade and combined them in a bash script for easier use.
I am not an author or contributor of Ghost blog.
export path_to_ghost_install="/path/to/ghost/install"
export ghost_service="ghost_service_name"
# go to your home
cd ~
# Get the latest version:
curl -LOk https://ghost.org/zip/ghost-latest.zip
# Unzip to a temporary location:
unzip ghost-latest.zip -d ghost_temp
## make a backup of ghost install
service $ghost_service stop
cp -R $path_to_ghost_install ghost_temp/backup
# Change directory into your current ghost install:
cd $path_to_ghost_install
# Remove the core directory:
rm -rf core
# Change back to your download of Ghost latest:
cd ~/ghost_temp
## Copy the new core directory to your Ghost install:
cp -R core $path_to_ghost_install
# Copy the other key files to your Ghost install directory:
cp index.js *.json $path_to_ghost_install
# Change back to your ghost install directory:
cd $path_to_ghost_install
# Update permissions:
chown -R ghost:ghost *
# Upgrade dependencies:
npm install --production
# Restart Ghost
service $ghost_service start
# if you see that everything is working properly you can remove ghost_temp folder
Steps for laziest admins:
Save the code (after verification) to a file_name.
Run chmod +x file_name
Run ./file_name
Go sleep
I added that script to my Github account for easier usage